Scream Factory Ticket Portal

FAQs / Help

Can I buy tickets on the door?

A limited number of tickets are available on the door each evening for each time slot at Scream Factory's Extreme Tour. Please note these are on a first come first served basis and priority accessing the event is given to our pre-paid ticket holders! We open at 6.30pm for selected nights in in October and you must be in the queue before 9pm to guarentee entry if paying on the door.

Will I get scared?

This question is the most common but the hardest to answer!

The Extreme Tour is a themed event which is designed to frighten and heighten your senses which should terrify most people. Having said that eery person's scare level is different. We guarentee if you don't find it scary then you'll have a great time laughing at those that do!

If you're taking part in the Twilight Tour, don't worry - there's nothing scary there!

Yikes! What is the Isolated Tour?

After listening to feedback from previous years we introduced our Isolated Tour which allows you to pick your group size.  If you're feeling brave enough you'll be able to take a private walk around Scream Factory! Or you can go as a couple or six etc. Unlike our Extreme Tour where we put you into a group of ten. 

I've lost my email confirmation, help?

Just as above! Please contact us on and we will re-issue your email for you. 

Will I get Muddy and Wet?

There is a good chance of both!

The Scream Factory Event will operate in all weather conditions and the scare zones are under cover but are located predominantly outside. In heavy inclement weather the site may get wet and muddy. You will be expected to make your way through open woodland so be prepared for uneven, wet, slippery and muddy surfaces, we advise suitable weather proof footwear and warm clothing to be worn. As some parts of the attraction may use small amounts of water you may get splashed with clean water.

Can I take the tour with my medical condition?

Only you know the answer!

It is advised those with medical conditions including: a nervous disposition, heart disorder, pregnant, suffer from claustrophobia, have a photosensitive form of epilepsy, suffer from a back disorder, diabetes, arthritis or suffer from asthma should not enter The Extreme or Isolated Tour. 

All tickets are non refundable, please ensure you or any member of your party are fit to enter the Scare Zone before you purchase any tickets.

Is there disabled access?

We are very sorry but we feel Scream Factory is not suitable for people with mobility issues. The event features small enclosed spaces,  tight twisting corridors, steps, steep ramps and extremely low ceilings in places. 

Can I Smoke?

A strict non-smoking policy will be enforced throughout the site; smoking is not permitted on the event site. If you do wish to smoke, please ask a steward who will be more than happy to point you in the direction of a place suitable to go.

What age can I attend the event?
​Scream Factory October Event  ​ Our recommendation is that the October Scream Factory is suitable for ages 14+ however this is advisory and down to parental discretion. Any persons under the age of 18 MUST be accompanied at all times (even throughout the tour) by a responsible paying adult.  Failure to do so could result in you being refused admission to being ejected from the event without a refund.    Children's Twilight Tour  ​ We recommend that the Children's Twilight is Suitable for those aged 3-10.  however younger and older guests can attend. Guests under 3 will not receive sweets due to health and safety. Anyone under 18 must be accompanied at all times by an adult.  ​ My Bloody Valentine's February Event For the My Bloody Valentine's event in February this is a strictly 18+ anyone under 18 will not be permitted to attend due to the mature nature of this tour.  Any under 18's that have purchased tickets will be refused admission and would not qualify for a refund. 
Can I take photos or film?

Not in the scare zones!

The event is enhanced by the fear of facing the unknown, as you read this you do not know what to expect and that is the way we want to keep it for every person embarking on the extreme tour. Along with mobile telephones, all other recording devices are to be switched off whilst inside the scare zones. A recording obtained inside the scare zones may infringe on our intellectual property and we will ask you to destroy it.

Photos are filming are allowed in our check in area and in the end village where you will also find our photo booth for a complimentary photo. 

Can I touch the exhibits/actors?


We have a rule, if you don’t touch anything, nothing will touch you. If you do deliberately touch something, a zombie will chop you up and eat the good bits, any remains will be gathered up chucked into a black bag and left in guest services for collection for 24hrs. Then you will be asked to leave (and no you won't get a refund).

Are food and refreshments available on site?


A number of traders will be at the event and they will offer a range of food options and beverages.

Are dogs allowed to attend the Scream Factory event?

Unfortunately not, only guide dogs will be allowed access to the site.

What if I lose a personal belonging?

In the event of dropping or losing items of clothing or other personal belongings within the scare zone no search will commence until the event is closed and all guests have left the area.

You should travel light and the taking in of bags of any description or loose articles of clothing into the scare zones is not advised.

No liability will be accepted by the organisers for the loss of or damage to any item.

Can I wear fancy dress?

Plain clothing is fine!

For the safety of our actors and other guests, Head / Face Masks, Imitation Weapons of any kind are not allowed. Loose fitting or flowing costumes and no UV costumes are not allowed in the scare zone.

We will do the scary stuff if you don’t mind!!!!

What happens if I get too scared?

Once the tour commences there is no going back, unless you are directed to do so by a steward or scare actor do not stop or head backwards. CCTV is in operation and stewards are on hand to help should you need assistance.

Will the Event be canceled if it’s raining?


The Scream Factory is designed to operate in all weather conditions, you are advised to wear appropriate clothing and appropriate footwear for a walk on a cold wet October night.

How long does the tour last?

It Is difficult to give an exact time. Based on previous years we estimate that the tour itself lasts approximately 45 minutes - 1hr. As part of the experience we have our end village which guests can enjoy before and after the tour with music, food and drink, fire pit and our roaming actors. 

We estimate that the Children’s Twilight Tour lasts approx 25-30 minutes. There will also be a live show in addition to the Twilight Tour. Guests are recommend to arrive at least 20 minutes prior to their tour to see show times and plan their visit accordingly to see both the show and experience the tour. 

Are refunds available?

As stated in our terms and conditions when purchasing your tickets - all tickets are non refundable.

How old do you have to be to do the Twilight Tour?

We recommend the Twilight Tour is suitable for ages 3+ this is due to health and safety reasons as the sweets given on the tours are only suitable for children 3+

Younger children are welcomed but will not be allowed sweets.

Do adults need to purchase tickets to the Twilight Tour as well as children?

Yes! Adults tickets are £4 and children's tickets are £8. Everyone over the age of 2 years old needs a ticket!

What is the maximum number of people that can go on a tour?

A maximum of 10 people can go on each tour departure time slot. We recommend those who wish to go through in large groups should pre-book their tickets well in advance to avoid disappointment.